Thursday, October 29, 2009


I mentioned this place came highly recommended by a very good friend and the room did not disappoint. It's fabulous!

The staff had already taken our bags to our room. After this, we were pleased to find out that the hotel cat, Sputnik, accompanied us to our room. He met us in the lobby and got on the lift before

us, meowing at the back of the lift for us to come in. Once we reached our floor, he impatiently moved to the front of the lifted and meowed until the doors opened and then urgently led us to the rooms. He came in with us and immediately jumped up on the bed to let us know everything was good here as he'd clearly inspected it himself and was satisfied.

Sputnik drank some water from the faucet in the tub, then went to the door and asked to be allowed out and back downstairs. There were clearly other guests arriving soon.

We're all unpacked and ready to catch some shut eye with the sounds of Paris outside our room. What a view and what a city!


  1. With this much detail in your posts I'm thinking that maybe I can skip my trip there next year and live vicariously through yours! It looks good and fun so far.

  2. Looks awesome guys. Are you planning anything special for James' favorite holiday of the year? I'm sure they have some killer (pardon the pun) cemeteries's there.

  3. We will be checkin' out a cemetary and hopefully a tour of the catacombs while we're here. Yay!
