Saturday, October 31, 2009

SATURDAY-Jardin du Luxembourg

Of everything I've seen so far, nothing holds my attention like Jardin du Luxembourg. It's a huge park with an old palace in the middle, and it's sooo wonderful. It was like this park was designed with autumn in mind. I can't imagine another time of the year it's more beautiful.

The French love their parks and staff them well. Lawns, flowers, and trees are perfectly cared for, and people take in conversation and the day itself in the park in a satisfied, relaxed way I can't remember seeing in the US.

The octagonal lake near the palace is a great place to people watch. There's this cool think were kids rent little sailboats that they push across the pond with poles back and forth. Kids and old people feed the ducks and gulls.

The Medici fountain is my favorite place in the park. It depicts a scene of Zeus catching a faun with the young Venus. See, Zeus had first dibs on foolin' around with anyone, so he isn't a happy camper in this scene.
I'm really amazed with how sexy this centuries old sculpture, but love to sit nearby and listen to the gentle sounds of the water, see the leaves fall, and watch the ducks paddle around. I could go to this park every day I was here and not feel disappointed I missed anything in Paris.

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